This is the main web-site for the course Electrodynamics PHYS30441 (M). Material will appear as we progress through the course.
The interactive sessions scheduled for Mondays 15:00 and Wednesdays 9:00 will be used in a fairly flexible fashion. I shall use some of these sessions to give "live" lectures on some of the core material. There is also a complete set of pre-recorded "mini-lectures" that cover almost the entire core course material.
The programme for each week's face-to-face sessions scheduled for Mondays 145:00 and Wednesdays 9:00 will be advertised at least one week in advance on the course web-site.
N.B. Each week I shall make explicitly clear which mini-lectures are "duplicated" by a live lecture and, if appropriate, which mini-lectures need to be followed on-line, because the material is not covered in a live lecture.
I know that some people would like to get an overview of where the course will be going. In addition, I know that some people like to work a bit ahead of the official timetable. In this spirit, I provide here a single web-page giving a Complete List of Pre-Recorded Mini-Lectures and "One-Page Summaries" from the course.
In the same spirit, I provide here my current working version of the complete Course Summary.
Please be aware that I shall be making some small changes to the lecture material and the order in which it is presented. I shall be making updates to this document as we progress through the course. N.B. This document is intended to provide a very concise summary of the main results. It is NOT a textbook! For recommended text books see the list given in the course reading list, as well as the week-by-week web-pages for more specific reading recommendations.
We'll be using Piazza for online Questions and Answers. Please click on the Piazza link for this course to get started. In order to help me (and your fellow students) help you, please try to make your question as clear and specific as possible when you type it into Piazza! For example, if you have a query about one of the examples sheets, please give the question number. Please distinuguish between the "examples class" and the "additional examples" sheets. If you are asking about an exam question, then in order to avoid ambiguity please specify the year by saying "January 20xx". (This avoids a possible confusion with the year in which the relevant lectures were delivered.)
Material relating to past exams may be found on Blackboard.
Do you have any questions about the physics, the lectures, or the example sheets? Do you have any feedback on the lectures or other aspects of the course? Did you find any mistakes anywhere? I'd be very interested to hear from you!