By clicking on the links given below you will be able to access the video of each mini-lecture, together with the associated small exercises and lecture notes.
Hint: I'd suggest having the "Lecture notes" file open whilst you watch the video.
Mini-Lecture 0: Introduction and Overview
Video ............. Lecture notes
Mini-Lecture 1: Electrostatics (part 1)
N.B. The revision material presented in Mini-Lecture 1 will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow Mini-Lecture 1 online.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 2: Electrostatics (part 2)N.B. The revision material presented in Mini-Lecture 2 will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow Mini-Lecture 2 online.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 3: Solutions to Laplace's Equation (general results)
N.B. The revision material presented in Mini-Lecture 3 will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow Mini-Lecture 3 online.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Supplemental material: formal proof of the uniqueness theorem
Mini-Lecture 4: Solutions to Laplace's Equation (example in spherical polar coordinates)
N.B. The material presented in Mini-Lecture 4 will be covered also in a live lecture.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 5: Multipole Expansions in Electrostatics
N.B. The revision material presented in Mini-Lecture 5 will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow Mini-Lecture 5 online.
From Wikipedia, here is an alterative (more relevant) picture of the equipotentials for a dipole. In this picture the separation, a, of the two charges is very small and so the equipotentials correspond to the formula we derived in the lecture, which correspond to the case R >> a.
Mini-Lecture 6: MagnetostaticsN.B. The revision material presented in Mini-Lecture 6 will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow Mini-Lecture 6 online.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 7a: A general derivation of the curl of B
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 7b: Demonstration that our definition of the vector potential A is consistent with the Coulomb gauge condition
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 7c: Multipole Expansions in Magnetostatics
N.B. The material presented in mini-lecture 7c will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow mini-lecture 7c online.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 8: Revision of Electrodynamics
N.B. The revision material presented in mini-lecture 8 will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow mini-lecture 8 online.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 9a: Derivation of the Wave Equations for the Potentials
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 9b: The Solutions to the Wave Equations for the Potentials
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 10: Revision of Special Relativity
N.B. The revision material on basic special relativity presented in Mini-Lecture 10 will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow Mini-Lecture 10 online. Please do this BEFORE Monday's live lecture in Week 4!
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 11: Special Relativity in the Minkowski Representation (Index Notation)
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 12a: Proper time and the 4-velocity
N.B. The material presented in Mini-Lecture 12a will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow Mini-Lecture 12a online.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 12b: 4-vectors for electrodynamics (part 2). The 4-momentum and the 4-current
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 13: The 4-potential and the Lorentz-covariant formulation of the wave equation and other equations of electrodynamics
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 14: The potentials produced by a point charge moving with constant velocity
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 15a: E and B fields for a point charge calculated from the potentials in the frame in which it is moving
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 15b: Transformation of E and B Fields from the frame in which the point charge is stationary to the one in which it is moving
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 16: Lorentz-Covariant Treatment of Maxwells Equations and Interaction of Charged Particle with the Fields
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 17: Conservation Laws - Global vs. Local
N.B. The material presented in Mini-Lecture 17 will not be covered in a live lecture. Therefore you should follow Mini-Lecture 17 online.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 18: The fields produced by an accelerating point charge - an intuitive approach
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 19a: The Lienard-Wiechert potentials for a moving point charge
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 19b: An alternative (vector calculus) approach to deriving the fields produced by an accelerating point charge
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 20: The radiation produced by an accelerating point charge - non-relativistic case
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 21a: Radiation produced by an accelerating point charge moving with relativistic speed. Part I: Total radiated power.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 21b: Angular distribution of radiation produced by an accelerating point charge moving with relativistic speed.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 21c: Angular distributions produced by bremsstrahlung and synchrotron radiation.
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lecture 22: Two examples of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with electrons
Video ............. Lecture notes written to visualiser
Mini-Lectures 1 and 2: Introduction to Electrostatics
Mini-Lecture 3: Solutions to Laplace's Equation (general results)
Mini-Lecture 4: Solutions to Laplace's Equation (example in spherical polar coordinates)
Mini-Lecture 5: Multipole Expansions in Electrostatics
Mini-Lecture 6: Magnetostatics
Mini-Lecture 7: Topics in Magnetostatics (Mini-Lectures 7a, 7b, 7c)
Mini-Lecture 8: Revision Lecture on Statics --> Electrodynamics
Mini-Lecture 9a and 9b: The wave equations for the potentials and their solutions
Mini-Lecture 10: Revision of Special Relativity
Mini-Lecture 11: Special Relativity in the Minkowski Representation (Index Notation)
Mini-Lecture 12a and 12b: Building 4-vectors for electrodynamics
Mini-Lecture 14: The Potentials produced by a point charge moving with constant velocity
Mini-Lecture 15a and 15b: the Fields produced by a point charge moving with constant velocity
Mini-Lecture 17: Conservation Laws - Global vs. Local
Mini-Lecture 20: The radiation produced by an accelerating point charge - non-relativistic case
Mini-Lectures 21: The radiation produced by an accelerating point charge - relativistic case
Mini-Lecture 22: Thomson scattering